Poverty is an ongoing problem in Toronto and many families find it difficult if not impossible to prepare for their baby with safe, clean items.
The New Mom Project is operated within a community health framework with a focus to provide safe sleeping environments, safe car seats to bring baby home from the hospital, carriers or strollers to reduce isolation and provide transportation to doctor’s appointments, as well as seasonal clothing for the infant.

The newborn baby sleeping in the hands of the mother and the nose collided.

Our Vision

A healthy Toronto where all new parents experience the support, respect and dignity they deserve.

Our Mission

The New Mom Project’s mission is to support new families in a confidential and non-judgmental manner by providing basic baby necessities.
Empowering new parents in need with resources that promote well-being and health across our community, The New Mom Project will endeavour to provide services that encourage wellbeing and promote health in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area communities.


Our History

The New Mom Project was founded by Gwen Broda, a nurse and full-time mother of three, based in Toronto. She was inspired to start the New Mom Project after reading about the Finnish Baby Box program. She believes strongly that all Canadian mothers, regardless of their income or social status, should have access to this kind of support and decided to do something about it.
Originally starting off in Gwen’s living room, the New Mom Project has grown and now provides online help for low income families and their newborn babies. The New Mom Project operates through a referral program. We work with our community partners including all major hospitals, midwife clinics,shelters, community health centres, and Toronto Public Health.