Let’s Travel the parenting road together

For a new parent, a travel system is an important tool that enables them to transport their child safely to doctor’s appointments, social outings, shop for groceries and to visit family.
Without this essential item families are isolated at home and may resort to using unsafe or even broken items. Providing families with a travel system encourages healthy behaviours and gets them off to a safe and loving start.


Gift a Travel System to a New Mom in need!


Simple and quick, use our CanadaHelps form below to give a good start to a new parent and their newborn. 

Your donation will fund their Travel Bundle and you will receive a Tax receipt for your gift.
For each Travel bundle offered, a new parent will receive a complete Travel System (Car seat + Stroller) for their baby shipped directly to them. 

Travel bundle average cost: CAD 500 

How does it work?

New moms and families in need can access this program through referral only from their Healthcare Provider or Social Worker. Once we approve the referral, their healthcare provider can submit an application for the family and we will order & ship the Travel System directly to New mom’s home 🙂